

With guidance from our three pillars, Brotherhood, Discipline, and Commitment, Delta Epsilon Psi has experienced tremendous amount of success in our short history and has reached numerous milestones. In its seventeen years existence, Delta Epsilon Psi has accomplished more in their community than many fraternities accomplish throughout their existence. Delta Epsilon Psi has gained many strides in their short history from distinct service events all the way to promoting South Asian representation on campus.

“Quality over Quantity” is something that has been established in Delta Epsilon Psi from the beginning. Delta Epsilon Psi averages 20 actives per chapter; however this fraternity accomplishes the equivalent to fraternities with over 100 members on the same campus. This hard work and dedication to service is one of the primary reasons why Delta Epsilon Psi is recognized widely throughout the United States as an extremely dedicated fraternity.

Each year it gets harder and harder for a fraternity to strive for excellence, but Delta Epsilon Psi has taken it upon themselves to grow and adapt every year. With intelligent and creative members, Delta Epsilon Psi constantly creates new ideas to better the community. When looking below and viewing some of the many accomplishments and milestones Delta Epsilon Psi has reached over the years one must ask themselves two questions: How old is Delta Epsilon Psi? And how big are they compared to other fraternities? These questions are important, because at a relatively young age (in fraternity years) Delta Epsilon Psi’s achievements are well beyond its years.

“We don’t turn boys into men, we turn men into leaders.” Delta Epsilon Psi encourages its brothers to be active leaders in the Fraternity along with their respective University and community. Our goal is to instill leadership characteristics into our brothers to help them succeed within Delta Epsilon Psi, as well as in every aspect of their lives. We encourage and emphasize leadership because of its importance in both the Fraternity and in society.

Leadership is defined as a “process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task.” Delta Epsilon Psi instills this influence through its three pillars: Brotherhood, Discipline, and Commitment. When a brother leaves his respective university he leaves confident knowing that his leadership ability is strong enough to tackle all of life’s responsibilities.

Delta Epsilon Psi trains and develops leaders for the next generation. Our exclusive alumni network and mentoring program gives us an edge in leadership development. Our programs teach you what it takes to organize your time, to excel academically, and to develop into an integral member of any community.

We understand that not every individual upon entering college possess the adequate skills to be a successful leader. Nevertheless, Delta Epsilon Psi strives to instill the pertinent skills within each of its members. Learning to become a leader within Delta Epsilon Psi trains our brothers to be leaders in the classroom, other organizations, and in the community.

The opportunity to participate in executive positions, chairs, and committees once you enter Delta Epsilon Psi allows access to leadership position immediately. Our brothers learn hands-on leadership and management skills by participating in the numerous events Delta Epsilon Psi host. Early access to these opportunities along with a hands-on application encourages our brothers to develop the necessary leadership skills and refine them constantly so that they will be perfected upon their graduation. With this said, the brothers of Delta Epsilon Psi are not only leaders within the brotherhood but also in other organizations at their respective universities.